Hit the road with

Your Dream Road Trip

Road Trip World's Largest Rocking Chair

“Why Aren't We Flying? Because Getting There Is Half The Fun.”

On This Road Trip Life Is Like a Movie

You know those movies we see where the main characters hop in the car, stock up on snacks, and then go on an adventure road trip with almost no planning or forethought and they have THE BEST time? That's what I'm creating with this road trip. You tell me what you're excited to do and see, I'll throw in my own advice, connect the dots, and you can pack your bags and hit the road- just like the movies! This fully customizable trip is designed to fit in all the sights you want to see, but still give you the flexibility to change your mind on the road. Next stop the world's largest Rocking Chair!

How Does It Work?

Once you take The Adventure Quiz I’ll formulate a plan based on your Road Trip goals. Then I’ll hand you a digital and printable version of your road trip itinerary. I’ll call out special stops, fun facts, and give helpful tips. I’ll send you a link to my ultimate road trip playlist, some fun car games for any age, packing lists, and more. You’ll get a full budget breakdown so you can prep before your trip and not worry about it when you should be having fun driving around the USA. Every itinerary features Google Maps links that will give you directions to each stop. These will be built directly into your itinerary so all you have to do is click the link and hit the road. Everything you need will be in one PDF file so you can focus on the fun.

Take the Adventure Quiz and I’ll reach out to schedule a call with you. We will go over the amazing highlights I want to plan for you as well as develop an estimated budget for your road trip.


I’ll create a road trip itinerary that fits your budget, time-frame, includes experienced advice, and covers details you didn’t even know you needed, all wrapped up and emailed as a pdf.


Sun Setting Over The Grand Canyon

I’ll check in with you a few days before your trip to answer any last minute questions so can you pack your bag, grab the keys, and hit the road with confidence!


Every Road Trip Plan Delivers:

Road Trip Plan Pricing:

Ready to Hit the Road?

Interested in a trip length not listed above? Contact me directly to inquire.

Are you ready to experience driving across the USA?

It is truly incredible just how different but familiar Texas is to Ohio or finding out that a state you knew nothing about is incredibly gorgeous with a lot to offer (looking at you New Mexico). I am excited for you to take this journey and I can't wait to plan it for you!


There are a lot of factors that decide this (how long is the road trip, how many people are going, etc.) but a good rule of thumb is at least 6 weeks out. The earlier, the better, so you can make sure any accommodation or special activities you want to book are still available.

If you aren’t picky and you want a quick spontaneous trip, I’d still love to help! Email me ([email protected]) and I’ll see what I can do for you. Same goes for a trip more than 30 days long, email me and we’ll get it figured out.

Everyone knows I love planning but not everyone knows about my absolute knack for budgeting. I’m pretty clever with a budget. In fact, every road trip I have taken has come in under budget.

Share your total trip budget with me I will let you know what kind of road trip we can make out of it (including using my services!) I will provide budget friendly destinations, activities, and tips for your trip. Plus, you don’t pay me until I know I can make your trip work on your terms.

I’m here to make sure you can go on a road trip adventure so if I don’t think your budget will allow for my planning service I’ll let you know that and send you some free resources to make getting started easier.

I know road trip planning isn’t the most common type of planner out there. I break it down here, but if you have questions email me at [email protected].

  1. View the trip lengths above and then fill out the Adventure Quiz to get stared.
  2. I’ll schedule a call or zoom meeting with you. In 30 minutes we will get to know each other better so I can plan an incredible custom trip for you. I’ll review trip overview highlights and provide you with an estimated budget for your road trip. We’ll move onto the next step once you’re confident I’m going to plan a trip that is perfect for you!
  3. You’ll get a PayPal link to make the payment.
  4. As soon as it’s ready, I will send you your incredible, detailed, fun, and custom road trip plan! That will include a final budget breakdown of your trip, recommended accommodations, Google Maps directions to every stop, recommended activities and restaurants, and lots of freebies for you to download or print as you like!
  5. You pack your bags, start the car, and hit the road.

The beauty of my itineraries is that the dates are easily shifted to meet your needs. You can pretty much plug and play with dates once you have the itinerary.  The only time you’re “locked in” to dates would be once you book your accommodations or pre-book any activities.

Now you're ready to pack your bags and hit the road.

Click below to get started!