About Me


Hello! It's so nice to meet you!

Thank you for stopping by Road Trip Plans! My name is Taysia and I am passionate about living a full life filled with happy memories. I’ve found that the best way to discover as much as the world has to offer is through travel! Not to mention all the amazing memories traveling and exploring the world around us has to offer.

I mean, it’s pretty much endless right? You could live your entire life, only travel the United States, and still not see everything this country has to offer. I find it fascinating and I’ve decided to devote my life to traveling and seeing as much of the world as possible. I’m guessing you must be able to relate or you wouldn’t be here getting to know me!

Some Backstory...

My love for travel began as early as 5 years old when my family began to take roadtrips from Ohio to Florida to spend a week at Disney World. Once I graduated highschool, I took my love for travel to a whole new level. I first went to Japan for 2 weeks on a volunteer program. Then, while I was in college studying Fashion Merchandising, I took a summer internship in London, England! I was hooked on travel.

In 2017 after I graduated college my best friend and I decided to embark upon our own “Great American Roadtrip”. We visited 28 states in 26 days. We started from Ohio and drove through Illinois, up to South Dakota and Washington, down through California, across Nevada and Texas, then up through North Carolina and back home again. We went to festivals, museums, bars, ice cream shops, malls, major historical parks and monuments and so much more. It was easily the best trip I’ve ever taken.

That was when I fell in love with taking road trips around the USA. As soon as we got back I added “visit all 50 states” to my bucket list and I haven’t stopped traveling since.

Starting Road Trip Plans

I started Road Trip Plans because I was known as the “Logistics Guru” on my first road trip and anyone who knows me will readily confirm how much I truly love to plan and organize trips and events.

Yes, it sounds weird and maybe even a little made up, but there really are crazy people like me who love the details! This is why you and I are going to be best friends. We both love to travel, but you want to just get on the road and start making memories, and I want to plan your trip so you never have to worry about missing something cool or not having a place to sleep.

I am so excited to get to know you and help you build your dream road trip that you talk about for years and years to come! I cannot wait to get started on creating the most epic, fun, memorable road trip ever for you.